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The Draft Regulation Amending the Electricity Market License Regulation was published by EPDK(EMRA).

Cover Image for The Draft Regulation Amending the Electricity Market License Regulation was published by EPDK(EMRA).

The Draft Regulation Amending the Electricity Market License Regulation was published on EMRA's website.

Article 12 titled "Pre-license application procedure", Article 14 titled "Right of priority in case of more than one application to the same place", Article 17 titled "Works and procedures to be completed within the pre-license period", Article 24 titled "Examination, evaluation and finalization of license modification applications", Amendments were made to Article 25 on the evaluation and finalization of license renewal applications, Article 31 on the rights and obligations of the transmission license holder, and Provisional Article 40 on forestry permits and Provisional Article 41 on the publication of regional generation facility capacities. According to the announcement by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, the "Draft Regulation Amending the Electricity Market License Regulation" has been opened for opinion. Opinions and suggestions on the draft amendment should be sent to the e-mail address and in writing to EMRA Electricity Market Department by using the "Opinion Form" (in MS Word format) until 31/07/2023.

Click here to review the draft regulation.

Son yazılar

Anayasa Mahkemesi, 6183 Sayılı Kanun’un 28. maddesinin 1. fıkrasının 1 numaralı bendini iptal etti.

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