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Türk bayrağı

Incentives and R&D Consultancy

MFH Group offers the following services with a solutions-oriented perspective which clients may require for the resolution of technical and complex issues such as Taxes, Incentives, Exemptions and disputes arising from legislation related to these issues:

✓ Consultancy on Investment Incentive Legislation (Investment Discount Exemption, VAT Exemption, Tax-Duty Fee Exemption, etc.)
✓ Consultancy on the Implementation of the Foreign Direct Investment Law
✓ Consultancy on R&D Incentive Legislation
✓ Consultancy on Technopark Legislation
✓ Consultancy on Free Zone Legislation
✓ Consultancy on Trademark Incentive Legislation
✓ Consultancy on Fair, Exhibition and Fair Incentive Legislation
✓ Analysis of Tax Liabilities in Transactions Defined as "Invisible Transactions"
✓ Obligations and Practices Related to the Resource Utilization Support Fund
✓ Other Tax Incentives

Incentives Provided for Renewable Energy in Turkey
Incentives Provided for Renewable Energy in Turkey

There are a number of direct and indirect advantages provided by the government to increase and encourage renewable energy investments in Turkey.

Energy, Incentive
Law No. 7456 introduced amendments to tax laws.
Law No. 7456 introduced amendments to tax laws.

In the Official Gazette dated 15.07.2023 and numbered 32249, the Law No. 7456 "Law on Additional Motor Vehicles Tax and Amendments to Certain Laws and Decree Law No. 375 for the Compensation of Economic Losses Caused by the Earthquakes Occurred on 6/2/2023" was published.

Current, Tax, Incentive
Presidential Decree No. 6923
Presidential Decree No. 6923

Presidential Decree No. 6923, amending the Decree on State Aid for Investments, was published in the Official Gazette dated March 10, 2023.

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