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Customs and Foreign Trade Legislation Consultancy

MFH Group offers the following services that its customers may need within the scope of Export, Import and Foreign Exchange Legislation and applications with a solution-oriented perspective:

✓ Customs legislation
✓ Foreign trade legislation
✓ Tax legislation related to foreign trade (GMSI, SMK, withholding tax, VAT, stamp tax)
✓ Consultancy on the Legislation on the Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency
✓ VAT-Tax legislation and refund transactions
✓ Export transactions
✓ Inward processing regime
✓ Customs reconciliation (counseling in the reconciliation process)
✓ Customs litigation
✓ Audit process (consultancy in the process of inspector review)

Restriction on Payment in Foreign Currency in Export Registered Sales
Restriction on Payment in Foreign Currency in Export Registered Sales

Article 4 of the Decision Numbered 32 on the Protection of the Value of Turkish Currency published in the Official Gazette dated 11/8/1989 and numbered 20249

Customs and Foreign Trade, Tax
The Circular letter Number 70
The Circular letter Number 70

The Circular letter Number 70 on the Extension of Export Periods for Export Registered Deliveries Due to Force Majeure has been published.

Customs and Foreign Trade, Tax
Annual Transfer Pricing Report
Annual Transfer Pricing Report

The topic of our article is the mandatory preparation of the "Annual Transfer Pricing Report" and the sanctions for non-compliance with this obligation, as well as recommendations regarding these sanctions.

Customs and Foreign Trade, Tax
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