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Accounting and Financial Consultancy Services

MFH Group provides the following services that clients may require during financial, administrative and legal events they face with a solution-oriented perspective:

✓ Financial Consulting
✓ Tax Planning
✓ Tax Legislation and Practices Consultancy
✓ Tax Disputes (Tax Litigation)
✓ Tax Compromises
✓ Cost Accounting Consultancy
✓ International Tax Consulting
✓ Bilateral Tax Treaty Implementation
✓ Foreign Capital Legislation, Practices and Foreign Capital Investments and Financial Advisory
✓ Tax Practices of Foreign Individuals/Companies
✓ Establishment Procedures (Establishment of Domestic and Foreign Capital Companies, Branches, Liaison Offices and Representative Offices)
✓ Mergers and Acquisitions, Valuation, Company Liquidation
✓ Articles of Association Amendments, General Assembly Meetings
✓ Capital Market Practices (Public Offering Studies)
✓ Up-to-date Information Transmissions on Changes in Financial Legislation

Law No. 7456 introduced amendments to tax laws.
Law No. 7456 introduced amendments to tax laws.

In the Official Gazette dated 15.07.2023 and numbered 32249, the Law No. 7456 "Law on Additional Motor Vehicles Tax and Amendments to Certain Laws and Decree Law No. 375 for the Compensation of Economic Losses Caused by the Earthquakes Occurred on 6/2/2023" was published.

Current, Tax, Incentive
Full Ratification Agreement Concluded in Due Time
Full Ratification Agreement Concluded in Due Time

There are certain advantages provided to taxpayers who have a timely executed full certification contract.

Electronic Data Submission System (e-Viz)
Electronic Data Submission System (e-Viz)

As a result of the legislative changes made in accordance with the authority provided in Article 242 of the Tax Procedure Law, the "Electronic Data Submission System (e-Viz)" has been developed to enable the electronic submission of data in electronic format.

Electronic Inspection, Tax
Electronic Audit and Technological Developments
Electronic Audit and Technological Developments

The Revenue Administration Presidency is making legal regulations regarding the establishment of electronic documents and records to facilitate tax audits in line with technological advancements.

Electronic Inspection, Tax
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